Imagine a circle of men where everyone listens not only to what you say, but also to the truth beneath your words. Everyone is in tune with your voice, your emotions, your energy ― everyone is intent on receiving everything you communicate; where everyone listens to hear the very best in you, even when you can’t hear it in yourself.

It’s TIME to Find Your Men’s Group!

Our groups are gatherings of men who come together regularly to support each other in personal growth, emotional well-being, and navigating life’s challenges.

Some group’s are online, some are in-person and some are hybrid. Some are for men who have completed one of the initiation training programs, others are open to all men.

To join one of our open groups run by our GBTQ+ community register below.

Join a Free Confidential Men's Group

 MKP GBTQ+ Open Group Agreements 

Confidentiality – What I say here is confidential. Outside this Men’s Group/I-Group, I will not share another man’s words or actions. I will only speak of my own experience and personal insights. 

No Recording – No one is to record this meeting in any way.  Please keep cell phones off at all times during the meeting.

Mandatory Reporting / Duty to Warn – Confidentiality does not apply in situations of abuse or neglect of children and the elderly and/or threat to harm self or others. If someone’s life is in immediate danger, action may be required. 

Punctuality – The group will begin on time and end on time. I will arrive on time and be ready to participate. 

Ethical Relationships – This is not a business group.  This is not a dating group.  No solicitations. This is also not a place to push religious beliefs or political agendas.  Spirituality can mean or be practiced in different ways to different people, and differences should be respected.

Non-Violence – Violence can be physical, verbal, emotional, spiritual … I acknowledge that my words and actions have an impact on those around me. I take responsibility for my words and actions. 

No Drugs or Alcohol I will not attend the group while under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs. If I break this agreement, I will tell the group and accept the choice of the group in handling this to create a safe container. 

Participation – I will speak openly and truthfully in “I” statements, (Not “you” or “he”). Any man may pass at any time. Any man may STOP  a process by calling SAFETY in the service of maintaining safety. I am not here to give advice. If I want advice, I will ask for it specifically.

Checking Out I will check out before disconnecting or before exiting the group.  I will not ghost the group. 

Who Talks When – A facilitator will make it clear whose turn it is to talk.  I won’t interrupt.  

Etiquette –Turning off your video without a reasonable cause and explanation could result in expulsion from the circle.  We need to trust those around us, and someone hidden takes away from that.  I will be present and not multitask. 

Acknowledgement & Commitment – I understand that the ManKind Project’s Open Men’s Groups are not a substitute for professional mental health services.  I am 18 years of age or older and I identify as a GBTQ+ man.  I commit to being empathetic, respectful, and welcoming to all who attend.  I understand that I may be removed from the group at any time for being disruptive or not following the MKP and group guidelines that have been reviewed.