What are the opportunities for someone after they’ve attended a New Warrior Training Adventure?
First – New circles and events are being created by new warriors all the time. Working towards a life mission can inspire creating new ways of manifesting the vision within it. That is how all of the following were started. Very often a new integration group is started with the new brothers who just finished and NWTA. Integration groups are warriors and non-warriors who meet to check in, support, challenge, and most importantly, listen to each other. Tools that can be used to improve the listening and support in taking action are available and more are added all the time. “A Circle of Men” by Bill Kauth is a good introduction.
Most are diverse, but there are few that meet routinely or ‘as requested’ that are for GBTQ, men of color, or other demographic group.
Retreats for GBTQ warriors have been created:
From 2000 to Present – Rainbow Warrior Gatherings
From 2009 to Present – Rainbow Warrior Roundup &
Rainbow Warriors and Allies
And GBTQ New Warriors
(some of us call ourselves Rainbros)
love to staff GBTQ Gateways,
stay in touch via a GBTQ email list,
facebook group pages, & meet in both regular
integration groups and GBTQ ones.